Voting on the four suggested rule changes is complete - thanks for your prompt responses, owners.
The results are as follows:
Free agency auction:
Passed by 9 votes to 3
Taxi squads:
Passed by 11 votes to 1
Scoring for kickoff/punt returns:
Rejected by 8 votes to 4
Carryover of FAAB budget:
Rejected by 7 votes to 5
You can see the full results of who-voted-what on this Google Sheet.
There are two extra considerations for the implementation of taxi squads that we need to vote on. The rules that have been agreed by vote already are:
- 5 taxi spots in addition to current roster sizes
- Players can be traded, but must be placed on the active roster of the receiving team
- Only rookies can be added to a taxi squad
- Players can be held on a taxi squad for a maximum of 2 seasons
- Taxi squad players can’t be used in your starting lineup
- Players can be claimed by other teams. The owning team will have the option of releasing the player to the claiming team, promoting the player to their active roster, or working out a trade. 72 hour deadline to make this decision, with the default action being releasing the player
The two things we need to decide on now are:
1. Mid-season adds
Should players be able to be added to taxi squads during the season, via waivers, or should taxi squads have to be set and locked before Week 1?
Only rookies would be able to be added in either case.
2. Set compensation for “stealing” a taxi squad player
Should there be a pre-set price for claiming another team’s taxi squad player - a draft pick a round above where they were taken, or would there be no compensation?
If another team made a claim for a player on your taxi squad, your options would be to either promote them to your active roster or work out a trade within 3 days (72 hours), OR let the team steal them.
If there were set compensation, you would receive a draft pick of a round above where they were taken during the rookie draft if you took the option of letting them go. If the claiming team doesn’t have a pick from that round, then they can offer a higher round pick.
If there was no compensation, you’d get nothing in return.
Please send me your votes on these two issues as soon as possible, via GroupMe, and we can get this meeting sewn up. Any questions about them, the league chat is your friend.